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Become a member (Eurooppalainen Suomi ry)

Dear European,

Through this form, you can become a member of European Movement Finland (Eurooppalainen Suomi), JEF Finland (Eurooppanuoret), European Women (Eurooppanaiset), and/or UEF Finland (Eurooppafederalistit). We are delighted that you are considering membership!

Membership in European Movement Finland costs €20 per year.
Membership in European Women costs €25 per year.
Membership in JEF Finland (ages 15-28) is free.

When joining JEF Finland, please also subscribe to our newsletter! All member communications are conducted through the newsletter. All JEF Finland members are automatically members of European Movement Finland

Welcome aboard!

Totti Sivonen
Executive Director
+358 400 910 409

Amanda Alvesalo
+358 50 321 6600

You can insert the date in year format (YYYY) by double-clicking the field and typing the year.
Valitse Eurooppalaisen Suomen ja/tai Eurooppanuorten aluejärjestö(t), joiden jäseneksi haluat liittyä.
Valitse yhdistys / yhdistykset, jonka jäsenyyttä haet.
I accept that my information is saved in the electronic FloMembers register.

Service provided by Flo Apps Ltd. Data will be saved in FloMembers, a state-of-the-art membership management tool.